Friday, 25 October 2019

Bradshaw Area Fri a.m.

The birding outing today started off very dull and miserable and finished very wet.

Bradshaw Fields were quiet.
A distant Jay high in a conifer, a few Wren calling from long grasses, a few Goldfinch a couple of Dunnock and Chaffinch.

Pr. Bullfinch soon fled into undergrowth.

A Green Woodpecker that called loudly from the conifers along Ned Hill Lane remained unseen.
13 Common Gulls here.

Ned Hill Track - Robin, Chaffinch, Dunnock. 
A few Geese disappearing into the murk -  I think are Canada Geese.

Things perked up a bit when my arrival at Soil Hill coincided with a sighting of a difficult to photo Stonechat on a wall behind undergrowth.

The Taylor Lane's old threshing machine has breathed its last, looking totally dishevelled by the midden.

A short detour, east from the old Bradshaw bus terminus, on a path towards Roper Lane paid dividends with my second Stonechat of the outing.

Always pleasing to see Stonechat.. now where's my batman with the Dubbin.

Stonechat - Soil Hill - Above.
Stonechat - Bradshaw Below.

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