Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Ringby Lane /Top and Hollingworth Lake

A busy day today with a visit by me to Swalesmoor this morning and we both pushed Emma around Hollingworth Lake early afternoon plus a visit to Sue's dad's at Skircoat late afternoon.

Ringby Lane /Top.

9:30 - 11:30.

A cool calm sunny morning with 6 degrees of heat to start with.
Quite a pleasant birding stroll, if you ignore the mud, here.

As I started up the main track a 'sizeable' Raptor flew leisurely overhead pursued by 2 Corvid.
It seemed to have a white band at the base of it's tail.
I just manged a picture of it from behind, as it disappeared.

c30 Small Gulls knocking about.
c40 Lapwing.
Lots of Meadow Pipit (c40) to search through for Snow Bunt but no joy there.
A few, 6 or so, Pied Wagtail.
Distant Red Legged Partridge on the path ahead.
A Stonechat, distant, perched on a plant for a mo.
A flyover of , possibly, a calling Skylark - not sure though.

Buzzard and a few Goldfinch.

A Raven was being mobbed by the resident Corvid contingent - but it did not seems to bothered, rolling with the punches!

A large Bee flew past.

An interesting couple of hours out on a pleasant morning.

Hollingworth Lake.

A quick circuit of Hollingworth Lake where the sun had gone home so Emma who feels the cold was hurried around the Lake.
The water is now a long way from the path in places.
Notices explain that this is for maintenance.

I did take my bins and camera and I have posted a few pictures.

Birds (or some of 'em):

Canada Geese, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Black Headed Gull, Common Gull. Lapwing.
At least 6 Great Crested Grebe.
c10 Teal on the Bird Hide Pond.
c15 Cormorant. Mallard. Moorhen.

A Peregrine Falcon was on the Dean Clough chimney as we came home.

Ringby Lane/Top:

Sparrowhawk (?) - size comparison.

Hollingworth Lake:

Dean Clough

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