Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Bradshaw Pinkies /Pugneys Wakefield


A dull calm day, weather wise, today.

A bit of excitement this morning during a short walk up Bradshaw Lane to Raggalds Flood.

A large Skein of Pink Footed Geese were flying high east, I estimated 200+ at the time and sent a grapevine text.
c137 +/- a few was the actual number.

A lady passing asked me if I had seen owt this morning and I was telling her about the pink footed Geese and showing her a photo of them on my camera.

As I was talking to her,a phone call from B.S. alerted me to another large skein heading my way from Fly Flats.

After a few minutes the skein came into sight high, and a loud whistle from me and some sky pointing alerted the lady (who was now 200 yds down Bradsahw Lane) to look skyward for the Geese.
c158 +/- a few.

It was pleasing to see her waching the Geese disappear to the east high in the sky.

Thanks for the phone call Bri.

Other birds were a Kestrel, 34 Lapwing in the Raggalds Flood field (low on water now) and 2 calling Little Owls near Taylor Lane.

Pugneys Wakefield:

We had to visit Heckmondwike this lunch time so we took the opportunity to have a stroll around Pugneys Nature Park.

I've included a few photos.

I've potentially captured a Scaup in a distant photo but given the large number of Tufted Duck here, it could well be a Tufted with a white patch above the bill - the photo is to distant really to be sure, and I've never seen Scaup before.
It looks the part, being low in the water, though?



Skein One

Skein Two


Potential Scaup

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