Monday, 25 November 2019

Coach Road - Lightcliffe

Very wet and foggy in Bradshaw again today, so I had a drive down to Coach Road, Lightcliffe.

Quite dull here also, and the start of the walk coincided with some heavy rain.

I went down as far as Sefton Avenue, looking for Brambling but there was not a lot on offer really.

A Couple of F. Bullfinch, distant in the gloom on the way down.

A Great Spotted Woodpecker and a couple of Jays on the return journey.

4 Tit species seen but very few Thrush species and fewer still Finches.

Last night while watching TV with the sound off, during the adverts (is it just us do this?) I heard a faint Owl call emanating from the chimney!
A dash outside and a Tawny Owl (not seen) could be heard further up Bradshaw Lane. 

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