Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Redcar Tarn - Keighley( a sad looking Gull - probably Herring)

A quick visit to Redcar Tarn, Keighley this afternoon.
Wet and miserable weather again today.

The 'usual' birds here as far as I could make out, in the spasmodic rain, the exception being a solitary Goosander and a few 'head scratchers'.

1. A pretty Mallard with an unusual head pattern that I cannot turn into anything other than a Mallard.

2. A Drake Tufted Duck has some dark grey on it's flanks?

My usual struggle with Gull identification.

3. A sad looking large Gull with a dark bill with and orange (ish) tip is probably a Herring Gull. 
It looks to have had a hard life. 

4. A 'pretty' Gull that is probably a Common Gull but looks big enough (but too pretty) to be a Herring Gull.
I've settled on Herring Gull going by it's size.


(Pine Grosbeak is only a few hundred miles away - coming  to Calderdale soon? see the link):-

Pine Grosbeaks - Norway


Herring Gull, Black Headed Gull, Common Gull.
Mallard, Coot, Moorhen, Canada Goose.
Lapwing, Starling, 4 Fieldfare.
Tufted Duck, Goosander.

A few pics:-

A sad Looking Herring Gull?

Female Tufted

Drake Tufted with some Grey on flanks

A pretty Mallard with an unusual head pattern?

Pretty Common Gull looks large enough (but too pretty) to be a Herring Gull?
Settled on Herring Gull!

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