Sue was smashing oranges about (a technical term) for the first bit of her Marmalade making today, so I had a run up to Soil Hill.
I put some seed down on the main track and went to look for Snow Bunt but no joy.
In fact all I could find was 4 Common and 1 Black Headed Gull!
2 degrees and a very cold wind up here this morn.
Ogden 13:40 - 15:00
More Marmalade shenanigans this aft. so I had a run out to Ogden.
A circuit of the water was ok but as usual of late nothing new on the water, c30 Small Gulls.
A Kingfisher was in the sluice area and a Great Spotted Woodpecker called, and was later seen, in the conifers at the end of the Promenade.
A second Great Spotted Woodpecker called from the North end later.
A couple of hardy Meadow Pipit were flushed as I looked for the G.S.W.
Robins were round every bend with at least 5 seen.
Long Tailed Tit were in good numbers with Coal Tits calling from the high conifers.
2 Treecreeper were seen along passerine alley.
One, that I was trying to photograph was constantly 'creeping'.
Going along the east side path I heard 2 Raven call from the west side.
One landing high and very distant in the conifers there.
2 Goldcrest were very high in the trees as I neared the car park with 15 Goldfinch.(I could not see any Siskin (my boogy bird) in with the Goldfinch.
A few other bits and pieces, not a bad outing.
Not sure if the massive high pressure system that is over eastern Europe and Russia at present is having an effect on the lack birds moving our way?
Feels like its going to snow to me today?
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