A miserable wet day with near gale force winds today.
Bradshaw / Raggalds.
I had a short walk up to the Raggalds to see if I could catch up with B.S's recent Teal sighting but the bird had flown.
Just a few Small Gulls (mostly Common Gulls) here.
c20 Redwing, low, battling the wind with 3 Fieldfare seen on the way up.
Swalesmoor - Ringby Lane/Top and Hag Lane.
12:30 - 14:15 (ish).
The shower from hell awaited me at the very top of Ringby Top with the gale bouncing raindrops off my Berghaus coat and my improvised camera cover (Golf Cap) struggling to stay put.
The 'Bio-Mass' digger driver passed by with a incredulous look on his boat race.
(and of course the 10 or so Snow Bunts - here somewhere - remained hidden).
Just a few Corvids seen.
Hag Lane
All was not lost, however, with an exciting short walk down Hag Lane.
The usual small birds here then something glimpsed, perched a distant post, looked like an owl.
As I got the bins on the bird, it noticed me and promptly waved ta ta - a F. Sparrowhawk.
It would have made a great photo if I'd been quicker.
The bird was obviously hungry because it stayed nearby and reappeared with perhaps 10 Redwing firing out of a Holly type bush as it passed through.
It came through again mobbed by Jackdaws and at one point landed in a tree.
It's splendid speed and plumage made in flight shots impossible in this weather.
After 5 mins or so it flew down Shibden Valley ignoring a half-hearted mobbing by a solitary Jackdaw.
A really enjoyable few minutes compensating for the earlier drenching.
Now where is me Dubbin?
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