Saturday, 14 December 2019

Inclement Weather - Bradshaw ,Soil Hill Circular

13:30 - 15:15 (ish).

The usual birding outing this afternoon.
I was caught out by the weather on Soil Hill with bands of stinging hailstones / sleet showers pulsing along on a near gale SSW wind.

All the birds mentioned were seen along the Bradshaw Farm track with Ned Hill, Soil Hill and Taylor Lane subject to adverse weather and no birds.
I hoped that a Snow Bunt might appear underfoot as I trekked along with my head down!

While we were taking Emma and Abi home, later, a large flock of Corvids were getting ready to roost in the trees opposite Morrisons, Ovenden - 500 plus was my best guess.

Birds of note along the track:

10 Fieldfare.
4 Redwing.
1 Little Owl.

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