Friday, 13 December 2019

Ogden Friday the 13th and a good bird (for me)

Another day and another wet outing with a wet circuit of Ogden this morning.
Quite enjoyable nonetheless once I'd made the effort to leave the house.
Just 1 hour here today and enough going on to keep up my interest throughout.

The rain seemed to be keeping smaller birds lower in the trees, at times, with loads of stuff knocking about.

The sluice area was bereft of life but the Kingfisher flew low over the water as I went to the West side corner.
I backtracked and was lucky enough to eyeball it in the thick branches. It managed to catch something edible while I was watching it but the camera focus was very difficult to get right through the branches.
It soon flew back to its's original spot and when I got there flew again retracing it's earlier path.

A 'glass scratching on glass' call had me pause for thought.
A scan in the very high branches brought a great result for me with 2 Siskin at the top of a nearby tree.

Again photos were difficult, but Siskin are one of my bogey birds at Ogden, so I was well chuffed to get any sort of photo.

Both a Nuthatch and a Great Spotted Woodpecker called and a solitary Bullfinch was seen along passerine alley.

Plenty of Goldcrest about with the Tit species.

Not many Chaffinch seen.

The short  path to the carpark  through the wood also had flocks of small birds.
Dunnock, Robin, Chaffinch, Great Tit, Blue Tit and a scarce bird for here a second Nuthatch.

An enjoyable , if short, visit today.

My Michael Fish Moment:

The weather is still very mild in eastern Europe so I guess the Swan and Wildfowl movement will occur as a Christmas Present?

Some 'iffy photos - but pleased to get them:-

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