Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Wednesday 29th Dull, Drizzle, Mist

Second verse, same as the first.

A grey morning with some mist and drizzle and cold with it, saw me trudging up to Soil Hill to enjoy the contour path - nothing new though.

I had to resort to waterproofs and winter coat but it wasn't too wet.

Good to chat to DB on the way past his house.

Most of the afternoon was a write off with heavy rain making any garden watch pointless.

The usual crew were seen on the exercise walk.

Pied Wagtail, Meadow Pipit, Skylark, Curlew, Lapwing.
Pheasant, Linnet, 3 Stock Doves.
A few large Gulls over, probably Lesser Black-backed and my friend did not let me down - Little Owl - distant, along Taylor Lane, took some finding.

Late evening the weather improved a bit and a bit of garden watching brought with it a couple of Swallow >N, 4 Mallard, a few Herring Gulls appeared out of the mist, a Lesser Black-backed Gull and a couple of Linnets.
A good few Goldfinch were  very noisy, chattering and 3 bedraggled Woodpigeon sat on a house roof drying out.


  1. At least you got some fresh air today John. I didn't get out very far. I should have gone this morning while it was fine then in the afternoon I didn't fancy it. Was thinking maybe Yellow Wag on Swales... I might try tomorrow. Nice Little Owl again - don't you just love 'em !!

  2. You are Our Yellow Wag Man Dave.
    I remember the Juv. Yellow Wag you found up there.
    Lots of horses in the Bradshaw fields on my walks, now-a-days, so I've beem looking out for one.
    They are cracking arn't they?
    Little Owl is saving my bacon on the lockdown route!

  3. Sounds like you have a better chance for Y/wags in the horse fields John. Pretty poor up on Swales after the weedkiller has been sprayed on, no manure pile, no ponds - not good.

  4. That's a shame Dave.
    Should be plenty of flies though?
