Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Ned Hill Track - Spotted Flycatcher

Following Dan Br.'s super Spotted Flycatcher find along Ned Hill Track this morning, I thought I go take a look. Given my twitching history (if I can call this a twitch) I did not hold out much hope.
Fortunately, after yesterdays' longish hike in the heat, I was ready for a 'long stand' in the shade today.
After about an hour so the bird appeared briefly and I took two quick photos.
The first picture managed to catch the bird, the second failed as the bird left as soon as it appeared. 

I've seen a good few Spotted Fly's elsewhere but I think this is only my second Calderdale Spotted Flycatcher sighting. Definitely my 1st Soil Hill area sighting.

Other birds here:

Linnet, Skylark, Meadow Pipit, Greenfinch, Swallow, Willow Warbler, Whitethroat.
Kestrel, c10 Large Gulls over.
Swift and a few other sp.

Spotted Flycatcher

Cropped from above photo.

A distant "I don't know"

1 comment:

  1. Nice one John. A good find from D Br earlier. A decent 'twitch' for you!
