Wednesday, 27 May 2020


A scorcher today so I had an early (for me) start and enjoyed a new bit of territory on my birding outing today.
This proved lucrative with my first ever sighting of A Yellowhammer in Calderdale.

I heard the bird first and being familiar with the song (there are good numbers of Yellowhammer at Knaresborough where I had a static for a few years) was instantly on the look out.
The bird appeared and immediately disappeared but fortunately it continued to sing and I relocated it.

I have checked the bird sighting co-ordinates against the Halifax Birdwatchers Recording Area map and with the Ordnance Survey OL21 South Pennines Map and I am happy that the bird is within the Calderdale area.

I have not disclosed the location because the bird is on the British Red List according to my "Britain's Birds" Wild Guide.
Unsure if this is an over reaction or not?

Yellowhammer with food?


  1. Well done John, you're on a roll..... Certainly not an over-reaction especially at this time of year.

  2. Fantastic John , is one photo carrying food..??

  3. I think so Andy. I suspected 2 Males were present but wasnt sure. Dan Br. went up to look after me, and he confirmed 2 males present.
    I'll check my Laptop photos tomorrow re: carrying food.
    Pretty fantastic if they breed successfully!

  4. Fantastic ....look forward to seeing them..cheers

  5. I've found one more photo with a bird carrying food Andy and I've updated the blog.
    Looks like it's feeding young (or the female bird?).
