Wednesday 17 June 2020

Bradshaw - Soil Hill circular - Green Pecker

An afternoon birding walk in the hottest part of the day this afternoon, after a busy morning, was a humid affair.

Little Owls:

A Little Owl was seen from Taylor Lane, then a second Little Owl flew over Taylor Lane towards it. The first Little Owl quickly disappeared into a wall cavity.

6 or so Swallows on Taylor Lane and a few seen on Soil Hill
Also on the Hill a few Swifts were flying about, coming quite low at times.

Pr, Stock Doves overhead and Linnets, 2 Willow Warbler, Meadow Pipits and Skylarks were up singing as usual.

A nice, unusual, very distant, sighting from Ned Hill Track was that of a Green Woodpecker.
I have seen one here before but it was yonks ago.

Greenfinch were calling as I headed home along Percy Road.

Half a dozen or so Lesser Black-backed Gulls seen throughout.

A warm do.

I've included a photo of a possible Raptor from yesterday evening in the garden. The wing tips turn upwards - I don't know if this is significant or not.

2 pics of last nights raptor?

1st Little Owl

2nd Little Owl

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