Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Tuesday Evening - Large Raptor and Gull Tustle

I had a trip out to look for the Yellowhammer this evening.
Another warm day and still warm this evening.
There are definitely 2 birds present.
The birds were singing / calling periodically but they remained very distant or difficult to find in the foliage.

I did get an awful video of one bird leaving the bushes but otherwise no photos.


An evening stretch in the garden brought with it a tussle between a large Raptor and a Gull?
The birds were mega distant.
Usually (I think) Gulls don't seem to preoccupied with Raptors, usually leaving them alone?
But this Gull was calling loudly and dive bombing the Raptor until the Raptor left.

A few (poor) photos was all I could mange at the distance.


  1. Thinking Common Buzzard John. Must try for the Y/H again soon.

  2. My thoughs too Dave, and Herring Gull perhaps.
