Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Out and About - Tree Pipit

Above Oats Royd:

An earlish very short outing, hoping for Yellow Hammer.
A good while looking without much happening.
Two Kestrels were hunting over head, one taking a dislike to the other periodically. I saw one with largish prey a bit later.

Small birds difficult to see but a 'possible' Grasshopper Warbler was reeling, only just audible down the west facing banking.

Also, another faint call, not the usual Yellow Hammer long call/song,  had a definite 'Yellow Hammer' theme to it.
A lady dog walker appeared as I neared the area and the bird pressed the mute button.

Still, it keeps the interest going.

Linnet, Blackbird, Calling Chiffchaff, Chaffinch, Blue Tit.
A few Lesser Black-backed and Black Headed Gulls was about it.

Hag Lane - Swalesmoor.

I didn't think I'd be out and about later, but Sue decided to bake this aft so I took a drive over to Hag Lane, Swalesmoor.
This path really is a beaut, with shelter in the trees from the westerlies and also some really good open fields, further along.
I was hoping for Flycatcher but I guess I'm a bit early for Spotted Flycatcher.

A Green Woodpecker was calling from near the track and it left the tree before I could eyeball it properly.

Other than that it was a bit of a struggle.

A bird called from a lovely meadow, just one note, on and off for a long time. I had a long stand and it did leave the grass, but immediately dropped back again. I did not recognise the call.

On the way home about 400 yds from the car, another call had me stop and go search.
I eventually found the culprit, in a tree, but it immediately flew away higher up the track. I trudged after it a while and then it called from the tree it had just left. I returned,and, true to form it left again!
This time I just stood and waited and eventually it returned - A Tree Pipit. Well worth the long wait.

Tree Pipit and Meadow Pipit are really hard for me to tell apart, however, the short call from this bird was not like Meadow Pipit, so I'm hoping that there won't be too much egg on may face!

Homemade Pizza and scones awaited me, so not a bad do.

A Sparrowhawk flew over the house this evening.

Hag Lane Birds:

Tree Pipit.
Green Woodpecker.
3 Swallow.
Meadow Pipits.

Hag Lane Tree Pipit in very poor light.

Tree Pipit, seen by me in  Southport,  in bright light

Tree Pipit Video.

Hag Lane Tree Pipit


  1. Morning John. Hope you didn'y lose any sleep. I couldn't be sure !

  2. Slept ok thanks - pretty confident it's a Tree Pippit Dave.
    Looked the part as well at the time, which always helps.
