Wednesday 5 January 2022

Elland Bridge to Brookfoot LNR

Another cracking sunny day today, and an enjoyable couple of hours walking.

Late afternoon I enjoyed a walk from Elland Bridge to the feeding area at Brookfoot LNR.

I just had time for a 5 min. look at the feeding area before retracing my steps.

The walk was mostly along the canal with a short stretch by the river, early on.

The river was extremely quite.

The feeding area had many Blue and Great Tits flitting about.

3 separate Kestrel sightings today - Bradshaw - Queensbury Trailer Park - Elland.


3 Kestrel, Jay, Great Spotted Woodpecker, 3 Mute Swan.

4 common Tit species.

Reed Bunting, Nuthatch.

Bullfinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Chaffinch.


Pied Wagtail in Brighouse Town Centre.

and a few others.

c100 Jackdaws in the trees opposite Ovenden Morrisons.


2 separate sightings of Peregrine Falcon.

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