Thursday 13 January 2022

Ogden a.m. / Bradshaw - Soil Hill Circular Walk p.m.

Cold and breezy this morning and I left Sue to her marmalade marathon and had run out to Ogden where it was very busy with walkers.

No sign of the Iceland Gull.

It was good to bump into JM and spend some birding time with him, around the circuit.

After lunch I had the usual longish circular walk up to and around Soil Hill.

Late afternoon and a grapevine text from Queensbury 's  HC of the returning Iceland Gull at Ogden came at an awkward moment.. Two longish birding stints .. Could I justify a third outing and remain married... Er no!

Hopefully it will stick around.

Well done Harry, a great find.



C200 Gulls on the water.

Birds of the outing were Treecreeper and Goldcrest.

Hard to estimate numbers with them flitting about but a conservative estimate would be c10 Goldcrest and maybe 5 Treecreeper.

Other than that not a lot.

Bradshaw - Soil Hill:

Raven mobbed by Carrion Crows, Little Owl, 6 Rook - Bradshaw Fields.

Partridge sp. Flushed (on noisy wings) from Soil Hill quarry top, dropping immediately out of sight over the quarry excavations!!

Pheasant along Taylor Lane ... was me lot.



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