Monday 17 January 2022

Swalesmoor and Shelf


I had a drive out to Swalesmoor this morning to have a birding walk along Ringby Lane / Top.

Sunny enough but quite cold in a brisk west wind.

Not a lot about unless you like mud!


2 Raven called as they passed high above the usual crew of Crows.

2 Stock Dove.

1 Meadow Pipit.

The feeders/ trees at the bottom of the track held a good selection of smaller birds.


This afternoon we had a drive down to Shelf park and enjoyed an exercise walk through the woods.

Very. very pleasant in the sunshine down here, with no wind and some lovely dappled light in the woodland.


Great Spotted Woodpecker.


Neither birds posing for a photograph.

A few other sp.

A short garden watch late afternoon had a few Gulls and Crows on the move.

Some birds are less camera shy than others

Bright Yellow Catkins.
Although the photo doesn't do the colour well.


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