Friday 19 July 2024

Bradshaw - Soil Hill circular.

Hot and sunny today with the temperature in the high 20s.

After lunch I had a walk up to and around Soil Hill.( I did not venture down the north side - soft sod what I am).

The west facing Soil Hill 'path' is undiscernibly tough , overgrown with thistles and 'things' - some great colours here, though.

A bit of a perspirational outing and after arriving home, I seemed to have grown a big hairy red balloon above me neck end.

Well maybe not so hairy.


I hear on the telling machine that there has some worldwide IT meltdown today.

Some programmer has got his keyboard skills in a knot - possibly keyed in a binary 0 instead of a binary 1.

In the old days it would have just been a COBOL-sup and affected a few thousand at most.

Today the world comes crashing down.

Some advice from a know-all (me) .

Make sure you have enough 'cash in the attic ' to get by for a while - 

Next time -  the computer glitch could make the "plastic card thingy (PCT) " give the "reading of the plastic card thingy" (ROTPCT)  the cold shoulder.


joke : (well nearly).

Jonny is asked by his English teacher to use the word Tarmacadam in a sentence.

Jonny: "Ok miss ....... Eve were wi  her bloke in garden of Eden.

Er bloke asked er "What's that on the deck Eve?

Eve replied "Tarmacadam".     

And the bit you have all been waiting for.

Pub Quiz.

Which food flavouring comes from the pod of the Mexican orchid?

A : Cayenne

C: Vanilla

D: Chocolate

E: Cinnamon


Not bad given the heat.

A Buzzard was on a post near the Bonnet.

100 Gulls in a ploughed field near the Raggalds Inn (seen from Taylor Lane).

4 Swallow.

1 Skylark flushed silently on the main path.

Lesser Black-backed Gulls moving.

1 Whitethroat.

4 Rook.

Quiz Answer.

B: Vanilla

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