Thursday 18 July 2024

Halton (Near Lancaster)

We had a few days away this week at Halton, and struck lucky with the weather. 

After being struck Lucky whimpered a bit but no one was watching anyhow.

Our Halton Caravan Park was a bit rural really with over a mile walk to the bus stop....and its a mile back as well.


Got here Monday after lunch and bused it into Lancaster.

Had a walk around the shops, coffee and biscuits in Spoons, bought nowt, bussed it back.

Thought of calling at the Greyhound Inn at Halton but big dark scary clouds sent us scurrying home.


I decided that we were twice as young and three times as fit as we actually are and I hit on the idea of cycling to Morecombe, via Lancaster, and back.

Well fatigued when we arrived back at The Greyhound at Halton and so we stopped for a thirst quencher.

Turned out to be a good move - it was Pie Night.

We had minted lamp pie and peas and a pint of larger for a tenner.

Sue said it was the best pie she had ever eaten.

Mind you she doesn't do pies very often.


Wednesday ... don't mention Wednesday,  espicially the too busy Greyhound Inn (at 5.00 p.m.) to serve us a meal and Blacks Chippy (where we trudged to and back again - MY idea) only to find (after googling opening times) that Mr and Mrs Black and Co had vamoosed on holiday.

They had probably gone to Halifax -  Halifax it is nice, this time of the year.

Anyway, salad is fine by me.


Ah, well, Wednesday was also birding day for me.

As we were walking from Heysham to Hest Bank in the HEAT , periodically, I had a walk down to the sea and a squint at the water.

The water was somewhere near America - tide times - as if!


Redshank, Curlew.

A line of Eider Duck on the water.

A solitary Drake Eider resting on the sand.

Great Crested Grebe.

Thousands of Oystercatcher. 

Little Egret.

A few Waders that I am not too sure about.

Probably many others - too distant.

Caravan Park:

Great Spotted Woodpecker

2 Raven.



Mistle Thrush.

and a few others..

River Lune:

Loads Mute Swan

Grey Wagtail

Pied Wagtail.

In the garden this aft.


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