Saturday 13 July 2024

On the buses

It's a while since we have had time to have a day out on the buses - this week we have been traipsing about in the car each day for one reason or another.

This morning, though, we decided on a bus ride to Todmorden.

We caught an early 526 Bradshaw bus to Halifax and as Bull Green is shut we had to ask the driver where to catch the Todmorden bus from.

The bus stop was just above the bus station (not in it ) and after a short wait the bus came along.

Ther were plenty of "characters -  including us" on the bus today.

One lady who got on the bus, barefoot, declared to all, that she had walked all the way to Halifax from Sowerby Bridge.

We called at the ex Wetherspoons pub in Tod. for a big bun and a coffee before loading the pockets with some mint humbugs from B&M.

We then set off along the canal to walk to Hebden Bridge.

Along the way an appetising sign at Feline Woodcraft promised some "Just Jenny's" ice cream at two quid so we popped off the canal, had a rest and an ice cream, and popped back on again - nice too it was.

From Hebden Bridge we were lucky to coincide with a soon due B3 Keighley bus and had an enjoyable ride to Keighley over the moors.

We enjoyed a late lunch / early tea in Spoons in Keighley .

I had a new 'HOT' wrap and salad that nearly took the skin off me tongue - luckily a couple of pints of Ruddles numbed the tongue nicely.

(I normally have Worthington's smooth - lovely drink - but some greedy swine had supped the lot).

At 5pm we caught the 502 Halifax bus from Keighley and walked home in drizzle from Bradshaw Church.

Ah - nearly forgot - the pub quiz cards.

First released in 1996 (before I was born) what was the name of the hand held digital pet originating from Japan?

A Tamagotchi

B Game Boy.

C Digimon

D Furby.

Answer after the photos.

Birds: (not a lot).

Just a small camera today - too idle to lug a big one about - soft sod what I am.

Grey Wagtail.

1 Swift.

Nuthatch (heard).

House Martin (Hebden Bridge).

If you are messing about on the canal opening and closing locks.
You need a flat cap and a bottle of ale.

Quiz Answer :

A Tamagotchi

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