Friday 12 July 2024

Out and about

Not a lot happening bird wise but lots of 'fun' with a new mobile phone contract on the go - these tiny SIM cards drive you bonkers.

Anyway I manged to get my Calderdale Waste Permit approved and printed out and Sue has managed to Laminate it, Now aren't we clever chappies and chappesses ? 

Hope I don't loose it.

The weather remains cold, dull and depressing.

On the birding front yesterday we had an exercise walk along the Thornton Old Railway line from Thornton to the Queensbury tunnel and back.

A visit to the excellent "Outdoor" cafĂ© along here (they have some smart huts to shelter in) for a toasted T cake completed  our morning out.

Today we had a late afternoon visit to Wildes cafe at Cross Roads above Keighley, for a coffee and a bun.

On our way home we paid a visit to the small garden centre near Ogden.


I found a pack of pub quiz cards in a charity shop in Brighouse the other day.

Cost me two quid - so here goes.

From 2004 until 2007 Scotland were world champions in which sport?

A: Caber Tossing.

B: Rugby

C: Elephant Polo

D: Tiddlywinks

Answer below the photos.


Railway Track:

A few Swift still kicking about.



Chiffchaff (heard).

Raven (heard).

Ogden Area:

Red Kite seen rom the car > north.

Just prior to the Red Kite sighting another large Raptor was seen and photographed from the car but the height and distance make the photo pants!

This bird was in no hurry and did not seem to be heading in any particular direction.

A suggestion from the Grapevine suggests Osprey - which is definitely possible with one seen on a nearby reservoir 2? years ago - stayed a few months.

Anyway - take a look at the photo.

Railway Track:

Ogden Area:

Red Kite above.

Other Raptor below.
(Osprey Possibly)

Quiz Answer.

Elephant Polo.


  1. It's a shame the other raptor 'got away' John. It certainly looks interesting - but who knows ??? might it stay around......?

  2. Cheers Dave. If its an Osprey then there are a few reservoirs to keep it fed!!
