Thursday 22 August 2024

Bradshaw Fields

Bradshaw Fields:

The usual walk up the local fields after lunch today.

Very breezy again, but it stayed dry.

Good to chat to carol up there.


Lots of Jackdaws and Woodpigeon.

2 Kestrel - one being mobbed by the Jackdaw Gang.

2 Little Owl.

6 Stock Dove.

12 Canada Geese.


3 Swallow.


Lesser Black-backed Gulls over and one Common Gull.

7 Mallard over.

2 Rook

1 Raven.

A Fox came out of Bradshaw Hall gardens and legged it when it saw me - just 2 yards off!

Pub Quiz.

The average male human body has 5 million of what.

A. Hairs.

B. Cells.

C. Blood Vessels.

D, Sperm

Answer below the photos.

Bradshaw Whinge:

(My attempt to be humorous like the Edinburgh Fringe - but failing miserably.)

Me mum was telling us about the danger of being lazy.....

I was telling Betty next door about our Neville's entrepreneurial skills, she said.

He's bought a bacon butty van, you know, and follows all the pop gigs about.

Yes , only last week he was at an Adele concert getting ready to sell some butties.

During the actual show he gets all his sarnies prepared, ready for the interval... 

and as the saying, about the devil and laziness, goes..

Neville makes pork for Adele fans.

Pub Quiz Answer.

A. Hairs.

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