Wednesday 21 August 2024

Brookfoot LNR

Another very, very windy and cool day here in Bradshaw.

This afternoon I had a 2 hour walk around the canal and river at Brookfoot LNR.

Mega quiet for 90% of the time, a couple of good birds turned up as I was leaving.


Kingfisher - heard.


Collard Dove.

4 Moorhen.

Willow Warbler (h), Chiffchaff (h).


3 Heron.

Coal, Long Tailed, Great and Blue Tit.


6 Black Headed Gull.

2 Grey Wagtail.

Pub Quiz.

Within the human body how many taste buds does the average human have in their mouth,

A. 100

B. 1,000

C. 10,000

D. 100,000

Answer below the photos.

Bradshaw Whinge:

I remember 25 years ago when I was a kid (yeah!).

My mum used to make me rice pudding.

It had a thick brown skin on the top - ugh!

One day when she wasn't looking, I scooped the brown gunge off

the top and stuffed it down the back of heating radiator.

She noticed that I had "eaten" a lot of the stuff quite soon and said.

 "I see that you are enjoying me pudding, then?"

 I smiled benignly and said.

 "I'll think you'll find that.....

The roof of the pudding is in the heating".

Pub Quiz Answer.

C. 10,000

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