Tuesday 20 August 2024

Ogden to Bradshaw

We were 'All over the shop' today and on our way home Sue dropped me at Ogden so I could walk home.

Quite pleasant in the sun and out of the wind, but my Soil Hill home route was a waste of effort with a very strong wind up there.

At least the strong wind cooled me down after The Ned Hill Road grunt.

I scrutinised very carefully, the now very sizable revealed  "coastline" but nothing special was seen.

Some very smart Juv. Lesser Black-backed here.

Edinburgh Fringe.

You will, no doubt, have noticed that the results of the Edinburgh Fringe funniest 2024 jokes have been released on the inter web - take a look - they are very funny.

I thought I'd start my own version of the Fringe.

Bradshaw Whinge.

I went to The Range yesterday and bought a really beautiful painting to hang on our kitchen wall.

It came with some complicated picture hooks and I struggled to understand how the hooks were supposed to work.

But, in the end, I nailed it.

Pub Quiz.

The fossilised resin of a tree is know as what?

A. Bark.

B. Amber.

C. Wood

D. Charcoal.

Answer below the photos.


15 Canada Geese over Soil Hill this a.m.

1 Canada Goose.

Lesser Black-backed Gull, Black Headed Gull, Common Gull.

Possible Herring Gull.

Kestrel, Cormorant.

Great Created Grebe.

2 Wren.

c20 Jackdaws,

(Soil Hill - 2 Woodpigeon and a Pheasant!).

The highlight of the outing was three Biuzzards low-ish over Ogden Water,

One was "Squealing" all the time. 

The fuss they made had all the Gulls up sticks from the shore and land in the water en-masse.

Buzzard? (Skipton Bypass).

The Gulls on the water after the Buzzards Appeared.

Poss Herring Gull.
Left hand side - half way up.

Pub Quiz Answer.

B. Amber.

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