Tuesday 6 August 2024

Elland Bridge to Cromwell Bottom N.R. / Local Fields p.m.

Elland Walk:

A walk along the canal and river paths from Elland to Brookfoot, late morning was a pleasantly warm affair.

Plenty of bird contact calls but sightings were difficult to "come by" as the Shepheard said to Lassie.

The river was very low and calm with few birds seen on it.

The ski-lake is obscured by trees in full leaf but I did get one Lesser Black-backed Gull - it left immediately after I saw it.

Local Fields:

A pleasant enough walk along the local fields this evening, proved quite interesting.


Elland Walk:

1 Black Headed Gull, I Lesser Black-backed Gull.

3 Great Spotted Woodpecker (2 heard, 1 Seen).

Treecreeper , Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff - all three heard only.

Grey Wagtail.

3 Heron, 12 Mallard.

Not much else.

Local Fields:

Buzzard, Kestrel, 4 Stock Dove.

3 Canada Geese.

At least 6 Mistle Thrush - zipping about.

Pheasant, 5 Swallow.

2 Little Owl.

1 Meadow Pipit.

2 Lesser Black-backed Gull.

2 Black Headed Gull.



Green Woodpecker.

A Peregrine on a Halifax chimney - Miles off!!

(A Peregrine was seen this a.m. in Halifax also).

and ,,,, a Rabbit looking very Hare like.

Pub Quiz:

Which animal features on the logo of French logo Lacoste?

A. Crocodile.

B. Shark.

C. Monkey.

D. Lion.

Answer after photos.

Quiz Answer:

A. Crocodile.

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