Monday 5 August 2024

Soil Hill and Back / Local Fields Later

Very mild but also very, very windy on the hill today - the wind kyboshing my birding experience.

I just stuck to the main track across the top of the hill today, home via Ned Hill Track and Taylor Lane.

Good to get me boots on again, even though birds were scarce.


Soil Hill Walk.

A Buzzard was on a fence post, seen from Bradshaw Lane on my way up.

The same ? Buzzard was in a field near the 1st sighting, later on.

This bird had caught something and was struggling to keep it's mits on it.

It did re-catch it and ate it as it perched on a wall.

Kestrel (Bradshaw Lane).

Just a Meadow Pipit heard on The Hill with Lesser Black-backed Gulls floating by periodically.

Lesser Black-backed Gulls:-

I wonder what all these Lesser Black-backed Gulls find to eat.

They seem to float about not landing - looking at the large size and number of them

there must be plenty of edible stuff somewhere?

Hope only a small portion of their diet is smaller birds and or their eggs and not the majority of their diet.

4 Stock Dove (Taylor Lane).

Goldfinch, Greenfinch and a few Woodpigeon was about it.

Quite a few Birds on Oxenhope reservoir but way to far to ID from Soil Hill Top.

If I had the strength to carry me scope up to the hill, I might get something interesting on this reservoir, or would it still be too far away to ID?

Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly.

Local Fields:

6 Goldfinch, 3 Stock Dove, Wren, 3 Swallow.

3 Kestrel up together.

2 Little Owl.

Pub Quiz.

Which biscuit was voted the nations best biscuit for dunking?

A. Hob Nob

B. Custard Cream.

C. Bourbon.

D. Chocolate Digestive.

Answer after the photos.

Some mega distant photos of Oxenhope Res. [TMR}

Pub Quiz - Answer.

D. Chocolate Digestive.

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