Wednesday 7 August 2024

Whiteholme Reservoir

I made the long car journey to Whiteholme late morning today.

I had an enjoyable, if windy, walk up the good water board track to the south end of the water. There is some shoreline here, now, and I took my time exploring it as I walked up to the round gritstone inspection chamber at the north west end.

The sky darkened and I decided to have an early lunch before the wet stuff arrived.

I sheltered behind the gritstone wall noshing Fish & Chats with mushy peas and scraps - well - no not really.

I decided that when I got back to the South end, if it was not raining, I'd take a walk along the wall to the NE end so I did.

A bit of a cock-up really as some rotten swine turned the shower head on to that really fine stinging setting - you know the one -  and let it rip full blast.

The final 10 mins of the walk was nearly dry though.

Blackstone Edge Res. is full and bereft of owt.

My summer waterproof has morphed - becoming  pants today!


2 Carrion Crow, 4 Meadow Pipit,

3 Wheatear, 1 Red Grouse.

1 Common Sandpiper - NE end.

And.... a singing pylon.

Pub Quiz:

Which Italian word meaning candy will you see at weddings?

A. Candles.

B. Confetti

C. Flowers

D, Rose Buds

Answer under photos.

Grouse Crap.

Quiz Answer,

B. Confetti

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