Sunday 4 August 2024

Local Bradshaw Fields

My usual walk late evening along the still boggy field path(s).

A very dull, moody sky, threatened rain - just a few drips fell from it (onto another drip!).

Nice to be back searching for an elusive early returning migrant but no luck this evening.


A Green Woodpecker called loudly from trees near Bradshaw Hall.


5 Swallow.

4 Swallow (3 circling, mad fast, very  low around a tree catching midges by the looks of the 100's midges there.

14 Lesser Black-backed Gull > W in ones.

1 Black Headed Gull.

Little Owl.

5 Mistle Thrush.

4 Stock Dove.

2 Meadow Pipit.

And a Fox.

Nikon P900.

I have a 3 year old Nikon P900 that has packed in.

I sent it away for repair via Wilkinson's cameras at Burnley they took some dosh off me, sent it to a specialist and sent it back (less dosh) as unrepairable.

The 'only' thing that is wrong with it is that one of the buttons does not function.

Unfortunately it's the 'OK' button so I cannot confirm any setting changes!

Looking at a video on the web it would appear that the fault is caused by the poor soldering

in part of the camera guts.

Not being a handy type I guess the camera will have to go to the big bin in the sky.

I don't particularly want to spent any more dosh seeing if another firm will sent it back unrepairable - boo hoo (times Two).


Pub Quiz.

What is the name of the only rock that floats on water?

A. Granite.

B. Marble.

C. Pumice.

D. Limestone

Answer after photos.

Quiz Answer.

C. Pumice.

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