Wednesday 25 September 2024

A Good Day's Birding.

Sue went for a long breakfast with her best buddy today and left me all on my lonesome - oh diddum's.

I wondered how I might spend my lonely time and BINGO! 

I came up with a cracking idea - why not go for a local birding walk.

I had a really enjoyable late morning - mid-afternoon outing.

I went across the fields to Ogden Water, around the water and up towards Back Lane.

I sat a while hereabouts and noshed my lunch sat on a big comfy stone.

Along Back Lane and up Ned Hill Lane , along Ned Hill Track and over soil Hill main track.

Home via Taylor Lane and Bradshaw Lane.

A dull, mild-ish , calm sort of day with Ogden Water like a mill pond,

Masses of shoreline looked good for a migrant Wader but, a lot of searching failed to find me one.

Just the usual Gulls mostly Black Headed and Lesser Black-backed.

I did eyeball an unusual plumaged Gull that is probably a 1cy Common Gull?

Soil Hill was kind for a change with 3 Raven 2 Skylark, 2 Stonechat and 2 Snipe seen,

Taylor Lane was alive with Meadow Pipits in the fields, I think a conservative estimate of the number would be C50.

Raptors were about later on in the walk with Buzzards and Kestrels seen,


c70 Meadow Pipit (c50 in Taylor Lane Fields).

53 Canada Geese.

4 Grey Partridge flushed along Bradshaw Fields.

Little Owl.

2 Wheatear (1 Bradshaw Fields top - distant, 1 ploughed field Taylor Lane).

1 Swallow.

2 Stock Dove.

4 Wren, 3 Pheasant, 3 Cormorant.

Black Headed Gull, Common Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull.

Chiffchaff (singing), 2 Chaffinch, 3 Goldfinch, Blackbird.

5 or so Goldcrest, in the dark Ogden canopy were difficult to check for YBW.

3 Great Spotted Woodpecker (1 seen 2 heard).

4 Buzzard.

2 Skylark.

2 Snipe.

2 Stonechat.

3 Kestrel (at least).

Robin. Jackdaw, Carrion Crow.

Pub Quiz:

At birth babies have no what?

A. Kneecaps.

B. Elbows.

C. Eyebrows.

D, Nails.

Answer below.

Photos in random order!

Over the house probably Carrion Crow.

1cy Common Gull?

1cy Common Gull?


Pub Quiz Answer:

A. Kneecaps.

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