Friday 4 October 2024

All over the shop .... but ... a POCHARD.

A day spent on the go today with shopping a.m. Emma to take out to Brighouse Wetherspoons for lunchtime and more shopping then a visit to Soyland to see Sue's skin and blister - phew.
Any chance of birding today,  looked a tad bleak at this point

I persuaded Sue to 'go home' via Ringstone Reservoir from Soyland because we would only be stuck in the rush hour traffic as it was approaching 5 p.m.

This was a pretty awesome move as it turned out.
I had the usual scan over the water from the east side but the sun was bad news.

A walk along the road next to the reservoir wall revealed a Duck in silhouette in the SE end.
Tufted Duck or maybe Scaup but as I got a bit further around the sun was better and it turned into a Pochard - result.

I've seen loads at Pugney's but this is my first sighting in Calderdale according to my records and obviously a 2024 tick.

I then had a walk along the far side wall to get a better view of the Gulls on the drink and Lapwing in the ploughed field.

On the way back a loud squeal had me searching for the culprit and a largish brown Raptor was seen in the valley to the west, it was fast ducking and diving and too B....Y fast to get a photo. A Sparrowhawk no doubt!!

I did not see the Pochard on my way back to the car it may have gone under the trees on the south side for the evening?

Other than that a Pheasant, Mallard and a Pied Wagtail was seen....  and as we were with Emma earlier, passing Elland Bridge (ish) Mr. back seat driver caught sign of a High flying Raptor maybe a Sparrowhawk  - I cannot tell from the photo I took through the car window.

I took a video of the many Gulls on the water so now I can baffle mesen looking through them!

Look out folks loads of October 17th snow coming (well that's todays forecast).

Compliments of Ruth.

Raptor over Elland  Bridge ish - Sparrowhawk?

There is a "Brown Raptor here somewhere!"


  1. A great find that drake Pochard John. They are so scarce for us nowadays though they were not always so. Nice pictures too. Well done.

  2. Cheers Dave - a long awaited 2024 tick
